Comedian Masatoshi Hamada (47), better known as “Hama-chan” of the duo Downtown, is going to star in his first drama series 2001. He will play a public prosecutor in “Kenji Onijima Heihachiro,” set to start this October on TV Asahi.
In the drama, Hamada plays the titular Heihachiro Onijima, a 44-year-old man who becomes a public prosecutor due to an incident 6 years earlier, where his older sister committed suicide after being caught up in a political scandal. The unyielding Onijima fights to uphold his views of what is right as he takes on Japan’s legal system.
The female lead, an elite public prosecutor who is the polar opposite of Onijima, will be played by actress Yuki Uchida (34).
“Kenji Onijima Heihachiro” will air on Friday nights at 9:00pm.
Source – Tokyograph
Posted by Comtrya Sugoi!