The BS-TBS drama franchise “Keitai Deka” is getting its third movie next year, starring the three most recent “Keitai Deka” heroines. As the title suggests (“Keitai Deka The Movie 3: Morning Musume Kyuushutsu Daisakusen! ~ Pandora no Hako no Himitsu”), the film will also feature idol group Morning Musume, acting together for the last time before Eri Kamei, Junjun, and Linlin leave the group.
The “Keitai Deka” franchise has sold more than 1.2 billion yen in DVDs. In addition to the dramas, two movies were released in 2006 and 2007.
The new film will star Aya Omasa (19) from “Keitai Deka Zenigata Kai,” Azusa Okamoto (18) from “Keitai Deka Zenigata Mei,” and Anri Okamoto (16) from the upcoming “Keitai Deka Zenigata Yui” (starts December 4). The three will team up to solve a case in which the members of Morning Musume suddenly disappear while they are on a bus. Shigeru Matsuzaki (60) and Tomiyuki Kunihiro (57) will reprise their roles from the second movie.
The movie is being directed by Hiroshi Ando, who has worked on several of the “Keitai Deka” dramas. Theatrical release is scheduled for February 5, 2011.
p/s – i definitely want to have it!!~
Source – Tokyograph
Posted by Comtrya Sugoi!