Live action movie called Ooku had its 5th meeting in Tokyo. This movie which directed by Huminori Kaneko based on the popular comic book which tells the story of women toppled the men’s position during the Edo period. Casts who attended the press conference are Ninomiya Kazunari, Shibasaki Kou, Horikita Maki, Tamaki Hiroshi and Ookura Tadayoshi.
“There were many dark scenes shot, and at the end, the feeling was quite sad. However, the movie itself was really great“-Ninomiya.
There were a kissing scene between Ninomiya Kazunari and Nakamura Aoi and suprisingly, they have to reshoot the same scene for 4-5 times(NG kissing scene). Ninomiya apologised for the NG scene every time.Was he purposely did that?I wonder.
The nationwide roadshow will be release on the 1st of October 2010.
Source : nikkansport /mantan-web
Translation :katokathy@livejournal
Written by Syarel*comtrya!