The popular BS-TBS drama franchise “Keitai Deka” will launch its 8th series this December. Titled “Keitai Deka Zenigata Yui,” the show will star SEVENTEEN model Anri Okamoto (16).
The “Keitai Deka” (“mobile phone detective”) dramas started in 2002 with Aoi Miyazaki (24) as the lead actress. Every series has featured a different main character with a different name, played by actresses such as Maki Horikita, Kaho, and Aya Omasa. All of the heroines have possessed unique skills – this time, Okamoto’s character Yui will be skilled at rope tying, which she will use to capture the criminals she chases.
Okamoto’s roles before this include the “Yatterman” movie, the “Sunadokei” movie, and the drama series “Shokojo Seira.”
Source – Tokyograph
Posted by Comtrya Sugoi!