The drama series “Shinzanmono” will be returning to television with a special episode at the start of next year. Based on a Keigo Higashino novel, the drama originally aired this past spring with Hiroshi Abe (46) as the lead actor. This time, the story will adapt an earlier book in the same novel series.
“Shinzanmono” was the 8th book in Higashino’s “Kyoichiro Kaga” series. The special episode, titled “Akai Yubi ~ Shinzanmono: Kaga Kyoichiro Futatabi!,” is based on the 7th book, “Akai Yubi.” The story features the same characters. In particular, Abe will return as the detective Kyoichiro Kaga, while Meisa Kuroki (22) and Junpei Mizobata (21) will also be back in their same roles.
Tetta Sugimoto, Naomi Nishida, Yasuko Tomita, Sumie Sasaki, and Tsutomu Yamazaki have also been cast.
TBS will broadcast “Akai Yubi” on January 3. The episode will be two and a half hours long.
p/s – yay!!~
Source – Tokyograph
Posted by Comtrya Sugoi