Katsumi Takahashi (49) and Masami Nagasawa (23) will co-star as father and daughter in a Fuji TV drama special this April. The show is tentatively titled “Tare Yori mo Kimi wo Aisu.”
Set in Shizuoka, the show is a comedy about the owner of an unagi shop (Takahashi) whose daughter (Nagasawa) comes back home with her child, and their attempt to rebuild their bond as family. The screenplay was written by Yuki Fujimoto (“Chiritotechin”), based on a classic rakugo story.
Takahashi and Nagasawa have actually played father and daughter before in commercials, but this will be their first time doing so in a drama. Their supporting cast includes Shota Shunputei (51), a rakugo storyteller from Shizuoka.
Source – Tokyograph