Upcoming anime “Senhime Zessho Symphogear” (Symphogear) which is set in a future-neo Toyko and centers on two girls, Kazanari Tsubasa and Amou Kanade, who form a popular idol singing unit. They also transform with modern Shinfo battle gear and fight to save humanity from an evil menace known as “Noise.” Theme song details follow.
Veteran seiyuu and singer, Nana Mizuki will provide the opening theme song which isn’t yet titled but is set for release on January 11th, 2012. Mizuki will also voice one of the two lead characters, Kazenari Tsubasa.
Ayahi Takagaki, seiyuu and one of the four members of group Sphere, has been selected to sing the ending theme, “Meteor Light.” The single will be released February 8th, 2012. Takagaki will also provide the voice for character Chris Setsuin in the anime.
Symphogear will premiere at a special screening event in Tokyo’s Shinjuku ward on December 26. Cast members Nana Mizuki, Aoi Yūki (co-lead), and Yuka Iguchi will attend and speak at the screening. The special screening is limited to 1000 via a selection lottery – apply here.
Source: natalie
Images: Symphogear official web, natalie, Planet Sphere