The K-ON! (Keion) anime franchise is getting ready to release the “K-ON! MUSIC HISTORY’S BOX” contains all the opening and ending theme songs, insert songs, all the character songs plus more on 258 tracks across 12 CD disks. The “K-ON! MUSIC HISTORY’S BOX” comes on one deluxe edition and hits stores March 20th 2013 – read on for updated release details.
The K-ON! manga by kakifly debuted in 2007 and has been adapted into a very popular anime TV series by Kyoto Animation – K-ON! (2009) and second season K-ON!! (2010) plus a theatrical movie (Dec. 2011). The story centers around four then five high school girls as members of an after school club for light music ‘keion’. The anime has produced a lot of music, over 29 singles and 14 album releases!
The anime stars singer/voice actresses Aki Toyosaki (Yui Hirasawa), Yoko Hikasa (Mio Akiyama), Satomi Sato (Ritsu Tainaka), Minako Kotobuki (Tsumugi Kotobuki), and Ayana Taketatsu (Azusa Nakano). They collaborate on most all of the opening and ending theme songs with Yoko Hikasa preforming the majority of the lead vocals. In addition each as several character singles and insert songs as part of the anime and this release.
The “K-ON! MUSIC HISTORY’S BOX” is available on one deluxe packaged box edition that includes 12 CDs, photo booklet of all jacket covers (and more), First Press version adds b2-sized poster. The 12xCDs included 258 tracks from the anime TV series and theatrical movie plus it includes 19 songs from the PSP game “K-ON! Hokago Live!!” not released previously. Bonus tracks include live recordings and commentary.
K-ON! Various Artists “K-ON! MUSIC HISTORY’S BOX” – release date March 20th 2013
Regular Deluxe Box [CDx12] (¥19800)
1. [Disc 1] Cagayake!GIRLS 2. [Disc 1] Happy!? Sorry!! 3. [Disc 1] Don’t say “lazy” 4. [Disc 1] Sweet Bitter Beauty Song 5. [Disc 1] GO! GO! MANIAC 6. [Disc 1] Genius…!? 7. [Disc 1] Listen!! 8. [Disc 1] Our MAGIC 9. [Disc 1] Utauyo!!MIRACLE 10. [Disc 1] キラキラDays 11. [Disc 1] NO, Thank You! 12. [Disc 1] Girls in Wonderland 13. [Disc 1] Unmei♪wa♪Endless! 14. [Disc 1] いちばんいっぱい 15. [Disc 1] Singing! 16. [Disc 1] おはよう、またあした 17. [Disc 1] Cagayake!GIRLS [5人Ver.] 18. [Disc 1] Don’t say “lazy” [5人Ver.] 19. [Disc 2] ふわふわ時間 (Single Ver.) 20. [Disc 2] 翼をください 21. [Disc 2] 桜が丘女子高等学校校歌 [Rock Ver.] 22. [Disc 2] 天使にふれたよ! (#24『卒業式!』Mix) 23. [Disc 2] カレーのちライス (映画「けいおん!」Mix) 24. [Disc 2] ごはんはおかず (映画「けいおん!」Mix) 25. [Disc 2] 五月雨20ラブ (映画「けいおん!」Mix) 26. [Disc 2] U&I (映画「けいおん!」Mix) 27. [Disc 2] 天使にふれたよ! (映画「けいおん!」Mix) 28. [Disc 2] ふわふわ時間 (映画「けいおん!」Mix) 29. [Disc 2] Maddy Candy 30. [Disc 2] Hell The World 31. [Disc 2] ラヴ 32. [Disc 2] GENOM 33. [Disc 2] 光 34. [Disc 3] カレーのちライス (Studio Mix) 35. [Disc 3] わたしの恋はホッチキス (Studio Mix) 36. [Disc 3] ふでペン ?ボールペン? (Studio Mix) 37. [Disc 3] ふわふわ時間 (Studio Mix) 38. [Disc 3] カレーのちライス (#8『新歓!』Mix) 39. [Disc 3] わたしの恋はホッチキス (#8『新歓!』Mix) 40. [Disc 3] ふでペン ?ボールペン? (#12『軽音!』Mix) 41. [Disc 3] ふわふわ時間 (#12『軽音!』Mix) 42. [Disc 4] いちごパフェが止まらない (Studio Mix) 43. [Disc 4] ぴゅあぴゅあはーと (Studio Mix) 44. [Disc 4] Honey sweet tea time (Studio Mix) 45. [Disc 4] 五月雨20ラブ (Studio Mix) 46. [Disc 4] ごはんはおかず (Studio Mix) 47. [Disc 4] ときめきシュガー (Studio Mix) 48. [Disc 4] 冬の日 (Studio Mix) 49. [Disc 4] U&I (Studio Mix) 50. [Disc 4] 天使にふれたよ! (Studio Mix) 51. [Disc 4] Interlude (Studio Mix) 52. [Disc 4] 放課後ティータイム (Studio Mix) 53. [Disc 5] Introduction 54. [Disc 5] ふわふわ時間 (#23『放課後!』Mix) 55. [Disc 5] カレーのちライス (#23『放課後!』Mix) 56. [Disc 5] わたしの恋はホッチキス (#23『放課後!』Mix) 57. [Disc 5] ふでペン ?ボールペン? (#23『放課後!』Mix) 58. [Disc 5] ぴゅあぴゅあはーと (#23『放課後!』Mix) 59. [Disc 5] いちごパフェが止まらない (#23『放課後!』Mix) 60. [Disc 5] Honey sweet tea time (#23『放課後!』Mix) 61. [Disc 5] ときめきシュガー (#23『放課後!』Mix) 62. [Disc 5] 冬の日 (#23『放課後!』Mix) 63. [Disc 5] 五月雨20ラブ (#23『放課後!』Mix) 64. [Disc 5] ごはんはおかず (#23『放課後!』Mix) 65. [Disc 5] U&I (#23『放課後!』Mix) 66. [Disc 6] ギー太に首ったけ 67. [Disc 6] Sunday Siesta 68. [Disc 6] 『レッツゴー』 (唯Ver.) 69. [Disc 6] Heart Goes Boom!! 70. [Disc 6] Hello Little Girl 71. [Disc 6] 『レッツゴー』 (澪Ver.) 72. [Disc 6] Girly Storm 疾走 Stick 73. [Disc 6] 目指せハッピー100%↑↑↑ 74. [Disc 6] 『レッツゴー』 (律Ver.) 75. [Disc 6] Dear My Keys ?鍵盤の魔法? 76. [Disc 6] Humming Bird 77. [Disc 6] 『レッツゴー』 (紬Ver.) 78. [Disc 6] じゃじゃ馬Way To Go 79. [Disc 6] 私は私の道を行く 80. [Disc 6] 『レッツゴー』 (梓Ver.) 81. [Disc 6] 『レッツゴー』 (唯・澪・律・紬・梓Mix) 82. [Disc 7] Oh My ギー太!! 83. [Disc 7] しあわせ日和 84. [Disc 7] Come with Me!! (唯Ver.) 85. [Disc 7] 青春Vibration 86. [Disc 7] 蒼空のモノローグ 87. [Disc 7] Come with Me!! (澪Ver.) 88. [Disc 7] Drumming Shining My Life 89. [Disc 7] 夕空ア・ラ・カルト 90. [Disc 7] Come with Me!! (律Ver.) 91. [Disc 7] Diaryはフォルテシモ 92. [Disc 7] 野性の情熱 93. [Disc 7] Come with Me!! (紬Ver.) 94. [Disc 7] Over the Starlight 95. [Disc 7] Joyful Todays 96. [Disc 7] Come with Me!! (梓Ver.) 97. [Disc 8] Lovely Sister LOVE 98. [Disc 8] Oui!愛言葉 99. [Disc 8] Coolly Hotty Tension Hi!! 100. [Disc 8] プロローグ 101. [Disc 8] ウキウキNew! My Way 102. [Disc 8] Shiny GEMS 103. [Disc 8] Come with Me!! (憂Ver.) 104. [Disc 8] Jump 105. [Disc 8] ひだまりLiving 106. [Disc 8] Come with Me!! (和Ver.) 107. [Disc 8] 純情Bomber!! 108. [Disc 8] Midnight スーパースター☆☆☆ 109. [Disc 8] Come with Me!! (純Ver.) 110. [Disc 9] Have some tea? 111. [Disc 9] Morning dew 112. [Disc 9] 急げや急げ! 113. [Disc 9] かわいい陰謀 114. [Disc 9] 2匹の子猫 115. [Disc 9] いい夢見てね 116. [Disc 9] Cotton candy 117. [Disc 9] Virtual love 118. [Disc 9] タンポポ宅急便 119. [Disc 9] うっかり君の為に 120. [Disc 9] Genki! 121. [Disc 9] おばあちゃんのタンス 122. [Disc 9] The other side of evening sun 123. [Disc 9] Dead soldiers(笑) 124. [Disc 9] Hold on to your love 125. [Disc 9] Falling reinforced concrete 126. [Disc 9] Small flashing 127. [Disc 9] けん玉君 128. [Disc 9] 軽い冗談 129. [Disc 9] クレープはいかが? 130. [Disc 9] Happy languidness 131. [Disc 9] Emerald green 132. [Disc 9] My hometown where it snows 133. [Disc 9] 銀世界の朝 134. [Disc 9] Tea at the night of Christmas 135. [Disc 9] 子猫の演奏会 136. [Disc 9] Patrol of stroll 137. [Disc 9] Doki Doki Friday night 138. [Disc 9] りんご…Ringo…リンゴ飴 139. [Disc 9] 15歳のマーチ 140. [Disc 9] じゃじゃ馬3人娘 141. [Disc 9] Hesitation 142. [Disc 9] ピンチ大好き! 143. [Disc 9] ドレスにクレープは似合わない? 144. [Disc 9] あの日の夢 145. [Disc 9] Happy End 146. [Disc 10] One more tea? 147. [Disc 10] 朝日を浴びて 148. [Disc 10] 二人の世界 149. [Disc 10] Dance of pickled scallion 150. [Disc 10] Temptation with rain 151. [Disc 10] Tostada 152. [Disc 10] 京都の朝 153. [Disc 10] Dragon God 154. [Disc 10] ハムスターのダンス 155. [Disc 10] あの日の帰り道 156. [Disc 10] 玉虫厨子と三角定規 157. [Disc 10] Digital fancy doll 158. [Disc 10] ガッテンだ! 159. [Disc 10] Tea with you 160. [Disc 10] Reason that doesn’t develop 161. [Disc 10] Cherry’s feelings 162. [Disc 10] Worry of cherry 163. [Disc 10] Happy rainy day 164. [Disc 10] あめふり 165. [Disc 10] うさぎとかめ 166. [Disc 10] Early tea 167. [Disc 10] My dearest Baumkuchen 168. [Disc 10] お菓子のメリーゴーランド 169. [Disc 10] Pasadena Fwy 170. [Disc 10] な・い・しょ! 171. [Disc 10] タリラリラン! 172. [Disc 10] 潮騒と夕日 173. [Disc 10] セピア色の日記 174. [Disc 10] 天ぷら君 175. [Disc 10] Hard luck girl 176. [Disc 10] Autumn breeze with you 177. [Disc 10] Fine rain in afternoon 178. [Disc 10] Cherry’s toy box 179. [Disc 10] 抜き足差し足忍び足 180. [Disc 10] 人魚の片思い 181. [Disc 10] 階段の怪談 182. [Disc 10] U&I ?夕日の綺麗なあの丘で? 183. [Disc 10] 雲上茶屋 184. [Disc 10] ふでペン ?ボールペン? (ゆいあずVer.) 185. [Disc 10] 桜が丘女子高等学校校歌 186. [Disc 11] Have some tea? (MOVIE Mix) 187. [Disc 11] 白銀の朝 188. [Disc 11] 干し芋の季節 189. [Disc 11] こなゆき 190. [Disc 11] ごり押しの理由 191. [Disc 11] 茶箪笥のかほり 192. [Disc 11] 二人の世界 (MOVIE Mix) 193. [Disc 11] 茶柱運勢研究会 194. [Disc 11] Bossaでコーヒーを 195. [Disc 11] お化けの同窓会 196. [Disc 11] ガラスの向こう側 197. [Disc 11] 正直者が考えた嘘 198. [Disc 11] その笑顔が好き 199. [Disc 11] 海に行こうよ! 200. [Disc 11] 水浴び大好きあひるちゃん 201. [Disc 11] 地中海楽団 202. [Disc 11] Spilled tea 203. [Disc 11] Traditional tea 204. [Disc 11] Air of northern countries 205. [Disc 11] London E 206. [Disc 11] Yearning for the Far East 207. [Disc 11] Pleasant despair 208. [Disc 11] Train-D 209. [Disc 11] 私のきもち 210. [Disc 11] かりんとう男爵の一週間 211. [Disc 11] Fairies’ Party 212. [Disc 11] 退屈な時間 213. [Disc 11] 結局今日も遅刻じゃないですか! 214. [Disc 11] そんな訳でタクシーで…、 215. [Disc 11] げげっ!大渋滞!! 216. [Disc 11] お日様キラキラ散歩道 217. [Disc 11] Artificial Candy 218. [Disc 11] ごり押しの言い訳 219. [Disc 11] 女子の集中力 220. [Disc 11] Red jacket 221. [Disc 11] Stylish mistake 222. [Disc 11] Winter night in a warm room 223. [Disc 11] 一等賞 224. [Disc 11] Far distant past 225. [Disc 11] しあわせのかけら 226. [Disc 12] Cagayake!GIRLS (GAME Mix) 227. [Disc 12] Happy!? Sorry!! (GAME Mix) 228. [Disc 12] Don’t say “lazy” (GAME Mix) 229. [Disc 12] Sweet Bitter Beauty Song (GAME Mix) 230. [Disc 12] カレーのちライス (GAME Mix) 231. [Disc 12] わたしの恋はホッチキス (GAME Mix) 232. [Disc 12] ふでペン ?ボールペン? (GAME Mix) 233. [Disc 12] ふわふわ時間 (GAME Mix) 234. [Disc 12] ギー太に首ったけ (GAME Mix) 235. [Disc 12] Sunday Siesta (GAME Mix) 236. [Disc 12] 『レッツゴー』 (唯Ver.) (GAME Mix) 237. [Disc 12] Heart Goes Boom!! (GAME Mix) 238. [Disc 12] Hello Little Girl (GAME Mix) 239. [Disc 12] 『レッツゴー』 (澪Ver.) (GAME Mix) 240. [Disc 12] Girly Storm 疾走 Stick (GAME Mix) 241. [Disc 12] 目指せハッピー100%↑↑↑ (GAME Mix) 242. [Disc 12] 『レッツゴー』 (律Ver.) (GAME Mix) 243. [Disc 12] Dear My Keys ?鍵盤の魔法? (GAME Mix) 244. [Disc 12] Humming Bird (GAME Mix) 245. [Disc 12] 『レッツゴー』 (紬Ver.) (GAME Mix) 246. [Disc 12] じゃじゃ馬Way To Go (GAME Mix) 247. [Disc 12] 私は私の道を行く (GAME Mix) 248. [Disc 12] 『レッツゴー』 (梓Ver.) (GAME Mix) 249. [Disc 12] Cagayake!GIRLS [4人Ver.] (TV size Ver.) 250. [Disc 12] Don’t say “lazy” (TV size Ver.) 251. [Disc 12] Cagayake!GIRLS [5人Ver.] (TV size Ver.) 252. [Disc 12] GO! GO! MANIAC (TV size Ver.) 253. [Disc 12] Listen!! (TV size Ver.) 254. [Disc 12] Utauyo!!MIRACLE (TV size Ver.) 255. [Disc 12] NO, Thank You! (TV size Ver.) 256. [Disc 12] いちばんいっぱい (MOVIE size Ver.) 257. [Disc 12] Unmei♪wa♪Endless! (MOVIE size Ver.) 258. [Disc 12] Singing! (MOVIE size Ver.)
K-ON! Official website at TBS TV