
Sphere updated the details for single DREAMS, Count down!. – jacket covers, in-store bonuses, and song preview revealed. Their 18th single has an energetic dance beat described as representing a “NEW” Sphere (audio preview below). Single DREAMS, Count down! comes on three editions scheduled for release on October 14th 2015.

Sphere consists of popular voice actors (seiyuu) Aki Toyosaki, Ayahi Takagaki, Haruka Tomatsu, and Minako Kotobuki. Most recently they released 17th single vivid brilliant door! on July 15th 2015. The single has tie-up as OP2 for anime Ultimate Otaku Teacher (Denpa Kyōshi, 電波教師).

Single DREAMS, Count down! comes on three editions (details subject to change). Limited editions include sleeve case and event application flyer. Regular First Press version includes the event application flyer. Select stores offer photo purchase bonus – image and availability varies by store (animate, Gamers, Toranoana and others),


Full track list and more details coming!

SphereDREAMS, Count down! – release date October 14th 2015

Limited A [CD+DVD] (¥1800)
Limited B [CD+DVD] (¥1800)
1. DREAMS, Count down!

2. undecided
3. undecided
4. undecided

1. DREAMS, Count down! (music video)
2. making-of music video

1. DREAMS, Count down!
2. undecided
3. undecided
4. undecided

1. DREAMS, Count down! (dance ver. A)
1. DREAMS, Count down! (dance ver. B)

Regular [CD] (¥1200)
1. DREAMS, Count down!
2. undecided
3. undecided
4. undecided

Haruka Tomatsu Official site

Ayahi Takagaki Official site

Minako Kotobuki Official site

Aki Toyosaki Official site

Sphere Official site (Planet Sphere)