Yoko starts living in a different world with ordinary people in the kingdom. Enho, the old man, at the Rike teaches Yoko about a village and gives her advice. When Suzu gets on a ship to Kei, Seishu tells her a story about the death of his family and makes her realize that she was just playing a victim, blaming everyone for the pain but herself, and that she’s not the only one who has to go through the pain. Shokei finds out that if she takes a ship from Tai to Kei as a refugee, she can get a Kei ID. She gets arrested at a hotel with Rakushun who was sharing the room with her. Keiki’s messenger, Hyoki, worries Yoko with the news that Kokan who plotted Yoko’s assassination is still missing. Yoko then overhears the name of the Chief Heaven’s Officer, who was part of the assassination plot, spoken in the conversation between Enho and his guest.