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July 1, 2012
Humanity Has Declined - Episode 1 - The Fairies' Secret Factory
After speaking with the Fairies about problems the humans have been having, mysterious things start to show up around the village.
July 1, 2012
Chitose Get You! - Episode 1 - The Encounter Between Me and Onii-chan!!
Chitose explains how fate brought her together with her Onii-chan.
July 1, 2012
Saki Episode of Side A - Episode 12 - Promise
Playing against a champion has forced the girls to evaluate their plays styles and never give up fighting for points.
July 1, 2012
Mysterious Girlfriend X - Episode 13 - Mysterious Girlfriend and Boyfriend
After enjoying a nice chat with Tsubaki’s sister, Yoko, Urabe learns more about her mysterious boyfriend family.
July 1, 2012
La storia della Arcana Famiglia - Episode 1 - La notte del compleanno
The Arcana Famigila protects Regalo Island with powers granted to them the Tarocco. At birthday party for the head of the family, “Papa” Mondo, he tells them he is thinking about retirement and the Arcana Duello will begin.
June 30, 2012
Hunter x Hunter - Episode 37 - Ging X And X Gon
After learning Nen and becoming a true Hunter, Gon returns to Whale Island with Killua. When he arrives, Mito has a box for him. She was told by Ging to give this box to Gon once he became a Hunter. However, it appears that the box cannot be opened.
June 30, 2012
Space Brothers - Episode 14 - Broken Glasses and the Sole of the Foot
After five days in their sealed boxes, each team is exhibiting a pronounced personality. Mutta's Team A is rowdy, while Team C is quiet. However, Kenji's Team B appears to be a little gloomy.
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 78 - Tetsu Appears
Tetsu comes to Card Capital, but why? Is it just to challenge Team Q4 and anyone else who happens to be there? Or could his coming portend something more serious?
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 77 - Snowfield Challenger
Kai arrives in the Japanese Alps to do battle against the Abominable Snowman, who's taken down one famous Vanguard challenger after another. But why does the Snowman seem to bear malice towards Kai before they even get started...?
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 76 - Genius's Descent
The power of Psyqualia is back, and this time Chris, the leader of Team SIT Genius, possesses it! Can Aichi beat this new rival with skill alone?!
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 75 - Pride of the Elite
Two of the matches between Team Q4 and Team SIT Genius are concluded, while the third is unexpectedly (and temporarily) interrupted by something that's out of this world! Meanwhile, will Kamui's love for Emi be broadcast worldwide?!
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 74 - Bet on the Goddess!
It's the third round of the Vanguard Fight Circuit, and Team Q4 is pitted against the Wunderkinder of Team SIT Genius, who not only have a natural aptitude for Vanguard, but were raised on it! Does Team Q4 stand a chance...?
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 73 - Fortune-Telling Fight
Team Q4 proceeds to the second round, where they fight against a team of fortune-tellers! Will Zeichiku spook Kamui with a curse? Will Misaki be thrown by the arrogant affection of Horoscope? And will Aichi be bested by an opponent who has a crystal ball on his head?!
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 72 - The Lion that Exceeds Its Limits
Kamui has won his match, so now it's up to either Aichi, Misaki or both to best their ninja opponents, who are much more worldly than Team Q4. What effect will Aichi's new card have on the match?!
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 71 - Team Shinobi is Here!
The Vanguard Fight Circuit begins with Aichi, Kamui, and Misaki playing their matches simultaneously! Their first opponents: the world-traveling ninjas, Team Shinobi!
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 70 - VF Circuit Begins!
Team Q4 arrives in Singapore for the VF Circuit! While doing a little sightseeing, they run into old friends and meet potential new rivals. Then, Aichi happens to spot the boy who knows what happened to his Royal Paladin deck, but he's not allowed to get anywhere near the kid!
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 69 - Challenge from PSY
Aichi goes with Misaki and Kamui to Card Shop PSY to ask the owners if they know anything about his suddenly-switched deck. Rekka, Kourin, and Suika are about to go on a trip, but Rekka finds time to taunt Team Q4 for letting their skills stagnate since the national tournament... and to prove it, Rekka debuts her Angel Feather deck as she takes on Misaki!
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 68 - Team Q4 Returns
Team Q4 has been invited to go to the Vanguard Fight Circuit, but who will the members be? Aichi and Misaki are on board, but Kamui has already joined Team Handsome! Is there any way Aichi can persuade Kamui to come back to Q4?!
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 67 - Activate! Limit Break!
Aichi's stuck with Gold Paladin, a deck he knows nothing about, and no one seems to remember his Royal Paladin deck. Aichi battles his last hope, Kai, in an attempt to jog his memory!
June 30, 2012
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit - Episode 66 - Gold Paladin
Aichi plays against a mysterious boy with a new deck, Gold Paladin, and hears a story about the state of peril on the planet Cray!
Page 3666 of 3829
Jpop CD Daily Ranking
Go in Blind (Getsuro) [Member Solo Jacket Edition / Set of 9 Versions] w/ UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE Bonus: 5 SENSES CARD (SOUND Ver. / Set of 9) & Set Bonus: Logo Photocard Sleeve
Go in Blind (Getsuro) [Member Solo Jacket Edition (HARUA)] w/ UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE Bonus: 5 SENSES CARD (SOUND Ver. / 1 Pc Randomly Selected from 9 Kinds)
Go in Blind (Getsuro) [Member Solo Jacket Edition (K)] w/ UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE Bonus: 5 SENSES CARD (SOUND Ver. / 1 Pc Randomly Selected from 9 Kinds)
Reborn 2013-2016
Oishii Survivor
Go in Blind (Getsuro)
Go in Blind (Getsuro)
Go in Blind (Getsuro)
Go in Blind (Getsuro)
Go in Blind (Getsuro) [Member Solo Jacket Edition (Nicholas)] w/ HMV Bonus: Cheki Style Photo (Randomly Selected from 9 Kinds)
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